
Hello and welcome to The Data-Driven Hospital! My purpose in creating this blog is twofold:

  1. To document my work and communicate new ideas and concepts beyond my immediate network
  2. To create a community forum that encourages discussion and collaboration to stimulate participants’ professional growth while promoting the betterment of healthcare

After working in healthcare for several years, I’ve found that the industry has only begun to scratch the surface in how it uses data to make systematic, sustainable improvements. Numerous academic publications and professional collaborations have shown examples of theoretical and applied models with promising results, but in reality, these pockets of success rarely spread beyond the original scope. As a result, the gap between theory and widespread adoption of data-driven solutions remains large. Truth be told, these piecemeal success stories demonstrate that analytical approaches have huge potential to reduce healthcare costs, improve the patient and provider experience, and promote efficient and effective use of resources—all of which are top priorities for most healthcare organizations. My plan is to share real-world examples of this type of work (and exciting ideas and concepts that are yet to be implemented!) to encourage the spread of data-driven solutions at industry scale.

Based on reader feedback and interest, I expect to see themes emerge over time, and I will explore those areas in particular. I’m looking forward to hearing from you and growing together!

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